products - Sturgeon

product Description

Sturgeon starter

  • Complete and balanced nutrition, in accordance with fish nutritional requirements
  • Higher survival rate with ensuring the optimal growth
  • Contain high levels of vitamins, minerals, immunostimulants and phospholipids
  • Strengthen the immune system and reduction of skeletal malformation


Sturgeon grower

  • Complete and balanced nutrition, in accordance with fish nutritional requirements
  • Ensuring the optimal growth with lower feed conversion ratio (FCR)
  • Developed to increase of growth rate and reduce of cultivation period
  • Boosted with immune-stimulating ingredients to promote the immune system’s reactions


Sturgeon finisher

  • Complete and balanced nutrition, in accordance with fish nutritional requirements
  • Reduction of feed conversion ratio (FCR) and achievement of higher weights in shorter time
  • Boosted with immune-stimulating ingredients to promote the immune system’s reactions
  • High feed stability and maintaining optimal water quality